Singapore Pools Health During This P Pandemic

Singapore is one of the worst hit areas in the world with the recent outbreak of Swine flu. Even though the number of cases has been minimal up to this point, many health officials have remained on high alert as they continue to monitor the situation. Because of this, there has been a heightened awareness on the part of pool owners of the importance of maintaining their swimming pools at a high state of cleanliness and disinfection. Pool owners are encouraged to immediately test their pools for any signs of contamination and take preventative measures to reduce the number of possible cases of illness. Singapore's water supply is not particularly reliable, even within the confines of our own four-mile long Island. This makes it important for pool owners to regularly test their swimming pools for contamination by running simple tests such as odor and pH testing. If a swimming pool has even the slightest odor or abnormal color, it is recommended that the water be treated immediately...